
Houston Arts Alliance – Individual Artist Grant: FY 2012 – Established Artists

“Domino XXXVI”, 22” x 22”, on Handmade Gouache with raw pigments on archival handmade paper from India, 2010.

“Return to the Invisible Landscape”, 24” x 24”, Oil& Egg Tempera on Canvas on board, 2011.
“Surrogate Navigator”, 24” x 24”, Oil& Egg Tempera on Canvas on board, 2011,

Individual Artist Grant: Established Artists – FY 2012

Submitted Material: 3 Paintings

1– “Domino XXXVI”, 22” x 22”, on Handmade Gouache with raw pigments on archival handmade paper from India, 2010.

Domino Series:
Since 1993, I have used as a point of departure the single geometric matrix called the “Vesica Piscis” or The Vessel of the Fish, which could be described as the overlapping of two circles, creating an almond shape in between, the Mandorla.
 This single module has been acting like a seed generating a lattice based on the circle, which has allowed me to create the most varied patterns seen in my paintings.

1–  “Return to the Invisible Landscape”, 24” x 24”, Oil& Egg Tempera on Canvas on board, 2011.
2– “Surrogate Navigator”, 24” x 24”, Oil& Egg Tempera on Canvas on board, 2011,
 World Line Series: The paintings depict hybrid landscapes that intertwine abstract patterns with realistic viewpoints taken from airplanes or satellites.

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